Your Personal Attorney

Practice Areas

Personal Injury


 Being in a collision is both worrisome and scary. Not only is the actual experience traumatic but living with the subsequent injuries can be painful and tedious. Medical bills can easily pile up and you may not be able to afford quality medical care. You are often also forced to deal with repairing or replacing your vehicle. These issues can be overwhelming and lead you to feel alone.


Let us deal with all the incident related issues so you can focus on yourself and treating your injuries. We believe that the less you have to stress over, the better chance your body will have of healing. We will help you recover what you are truly entitled to, so you can maintain your peace of mind.

If you are injured in a crash or fall, YOUR MAIN PRIORITY SHOULD BE YOUR HEALTH.

Areas of Practice

Automobile Crashes

Every day, lives are shattered in car crashes, forever altering those involved. At Kinaly Law, we have a deep understanding of the immense impact that auto accidents can have on victims and their families. We are fully aware that the repercussions extend far beyond physical pain and disability. These incidents often result in mounting medical bills, lost wages, and a significant financial strain that can be overwhelming. We recognize that the aftermath of an accident can be devastating and life-changing, which is why we are committed to providing comprehensive legal representation to those in need. Our team is well-equipped to handle cases involving various causes of accidents, such as distracted driving, reckless driving, drunk driving, adverse weather conditions, or defective auto parts. We believe in holding all responsible parties accountable for their negligence and ensuring that our clients receive the justice and compensation they deserve. We aim to alleviate the burden and stress our clients face during this difficult time, allowing them to focus on their recovery and rebuilding their lives.

Rideshare collisions

In today’s fast-paced world, the rapid growth of rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft has revolutionized transportation throughout the United States. With just a few taps on your phone, you can quickly get a ride to where you want to go. These operations, and others like them, predominantly rely on private vehicles owned by individual drivers to bring passengers from one place to another. As with other vehicles, serious collisions can occur at any time, injuring passengers who don't know anything more about their driver than their name and star rating. This lack of familiarity and trust can further complicate the legal landscape when accidents happen. If you've been hurt after hiring a Lyft or Uber car, we'll advise you of the special considerations that affect these cases, including insurance coverage, training and screening, and locating key information and witnesses.

bicycle crashes

Riding a bicycle is an activity that provides physical, emotional, and environmental rewards. However, busy roads and inattentive drivers can trigger a devastating accident in a split second. When bike riders are on the road with cars and trucks, they are at a significant disadvantage due to the massive imbalance in weight and power. Even with the large number of bicycles on the road today, car and truck drivers often fail to take proper precautions. Bikes can be especially vulnerable when other common vehicle accident causes are present, such as distractions due to cellphones or other devices, unsafe speed, failure to adhere to traffic rules and directions, hazardous conditions, drowsy driving, and impairment due to consumption of alcohol or drugs. Whether you have been involved in a collision with a motorist, suffered injuries due to poorly maintained roads, or encountered a dangerous product defect while cycling, Kinaly Law is here to help.

dog bites

Dog bites can occur without warning, causing severe physical and emotional damages. These attacks might even create a risk of disease or infection. At Kinaly Law, we understand the relevant California law and the standards of care that pet owners must observe. We perform a complete investigation of the incident to determine where the legal responsibility lies which can include an analysis of the pet’s history of attacks on people and other animals, the owner’s failure to use proper safeguards such as leashes and muzzles, the specific breed’s purported tendencies toward aggression, the animal’s mistreatment by the owner as a possible cause for its behavior, and commands given or not given by the owner during the attack. An attack by a dog or another animal can leave long-lasting physical and psychological scars. We understand how overwhelming it can be to recover from the harm of a serious dog bite and advocate for a resolution that covers each aspect of that harm. When a pet owner's negligence results in your injury, we will seek the maximum possible relief under the law.

Truck crashes

Because trucks are so much heavier and larger than cars, accidents involving trucks are much more likely to cause devastating injuries and loss of human life. It is especially sad to consider that many tragic accidents wouldn't have happened if truck drivers and the companies that employ them followed the federal regulations designed to improve truck safety. The attorneys at Kinaly Law can help you pursue justice and compensation when you’re injured in an accident with a tractor-trailer, 18-wheeler or other large truck caused by driver fatigue, aggressive driving behavior, DUI/DWI, unsafe driving conditions, unlicensed or untrained drivers, truck rollovers and jackknifes, oversized trucks, overloaded trucks, tire blowouts, brake failure, poor truck maintenance, and mechanical defects. When you choose Kinaly Law, you can have confidence that you are working with a dedicated legal team that has a proven track record of success in handling truck accident cases.

auto v. pedestrian

In the bustling urban landscape where cars and pedestrians converge, the risk of car accidents involving pedestrians is an unfortunate reality. When a car collides with a pedestrian, the consequences can be catastrophic. Fractured bones, brain injuries, and spinal cord damage are just a few of the devastating outcomes that victims may face. The aftermath of such accidents can leave victims reeling physically, emotionally, and financially. With lives hanging in the balance, it is crucial to understand the legal implications of such collisions. At Kinaly Law, we tirelessly advocate for the rights of pedestrians who have been injured in automobile accidents and understand the unique challenges that arise when determining fault, negotiating with insurance companies, and building a strong case to secure appropriate compensation. We firmly believe that victims of automobile vs. pedestrian car accidents should not bear the burden of medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering caused by another party's negligence. Our compassionate attorneys provide personalized attention, working closely with clients to gather evidence, consult medical professionals, and craft a compelling legal strategy tailored to each individual case.

wrongful death

Losing a loved one is heart-wrenching, but when that loss is a result of someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, the pain becomes even more unbearable. Wrongful death accidents impose unimaginable grief on families, leaving them shattered, confused, and seeking answers. At Kinaly Law, we understand the devastating impact these tragedies have on the lives of the surviving family members. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping families navigate the complexities of wrongful death cases, sensitively guiding them through the legal process while allowing them the space to grieve. Whether it's a fatal car crash caused by a drunk driver or a construction site accident due to inadequate safety protocols, we firmly believe that those accountable should be held responsible for their actions. Our mission is to fight relentlessly for justice on behalf of our clients, ensuring that the memory of their loved ones is honored, and that they receive the compensation they deserve. While no amount of money can fully alleviate the pain and loss experienced by families, pursuing a wrongful death claim can provide the financial stability necessary to cover medical bills, funeral expenses, and ongoing support for dependents left behind. Moreover, holding the responsible parties accountable not only helps ease the financial burden but also sends a powerful message in the pursuit of justice.

What To Do If You Have Been In A Collision:

  1. If you or anyone else has suffered a serious or life threatening injury: CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY

  2. Call the police: file a report

  3. Take photos of the collision: both of the scene and all vehicles involved

  4. Gather information: get drivers license, AUTO insurance and contact information from the other driver(s) and of any witnesses

  5. Seek medical attention: if you are injured or are experiencing any pain see a doctor as soon as possible

  6. Hire an attorney: KINALY LAW will help protect your rights and ensure you get the recovery you deserve

Contact us for a free case evaluation